Monday, October 22, 2018

REAL ESTATE : How to find my notary in Paris ? by Nathalie Molho

How do notaries help you buying properties in France ?
Some of the services offered by the Paris Chamber

Notre Dame and its reflect photo Nathalie Molho
Notre Dame and its reflect credit photo Nathalie Molho
Notaries have been in a lead position in this area for several years. Here are some examples of their achievements:
Electronic authentic deeds
Since the law of 19 March 2000, authentic deeds can legally be created electronically and carry the same weight as a deed on paper. Almost all l notaries in France can now issue authentic deeds electronically, using an electronic exchange platform, a signature and a storage center, which meet the highest standards of security and reliability set by the State. In this way, someone selling an apartment in Nice can sign a deed online with his/her notary in Paris, whilst the buyer does the same with his notary in Marseille.
Electronic payment
Notaries now make most of their payments by electronic transfer and have access to both civil status registries and real estate data files, to which they directly forward data related to a sale. The service is both highly secure and fast.    The Paris Chamber offers its clients online viewing services of their accounts with the notaries.
Notarial workspace
For several years now, the Paris notaries have made available a secure online workspace to clients who request this service. This makes it possible to hold documentation relating to a matter centrally, and exchange information or draft deeds in complete confidentiality.   The Paris Notaries can also manage invitations to tender and electronic data rooms enabling the provision of online documentation for the most complex real estate transactions.
The electronic safe
This allows electronic client data to be safeguarded for around ten years and provides a legal date for their deposit, while at the same time guaranteeing the integrity of the contents of the data stored. Some data files can relate to hundreds of thousands of documents.
You will need to wait approximately 3 months after the preliminary deed ( promesse de vente in French) Discover our post about the buying process // link below :

The cost of natary's fees will be 7.5% of the price ot the property

And for the check list before moving :  Read our tips if you move to France , by Expatica web site           
Notary's office sign
Notary's office sign
My recommandations :
226 boulevard Saint-Germain
75007 PARIS

21 Bd Carnot 
21 000 DIJON
Claude NADIN 06 60 62 43 54
For any information about VALUATION SELLING  OR BUYING a property in Paris contact me :
+(33) 6 60 69 77 67

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Crédit photos nathalie molho

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

A new vision of Paris: from Grand Paris to the future metropolis, by Nathalie Molho

real estate project for GRAND PARIS

Nicolas Sarkozy, then President of the Republic, initiates the project of Greater Paris,in 2008. Ten years later, this protean project is progressing, shaking up several domains: transport, urban planning, governance, carrying hopes and uncertainties Projects abound through several institutional frameworks such as the urban project "INVENTONS LA METROPOLE" or the Greater PARIS EXPRESS, which plans the construction of 200 km of additional metro tracks, 90% of which underground, which amounts to doubling the current
length subway.

Grand Paris future project

The goal is to harmonize Paris and its surroundings thanks to an urban policy conceived on the scale of an agglomeration and not only from the only Paris Intra Muros In term of inhabitant, Paris Intra Muros has a population of 2, 2 million inhabitants, far behind the largest cities in the world such as Beijing in China that exceed 20 million inhabitants. London, which has 8.6 million in the GREATER LONDON, was created as an administrative unit in 1965, encompassing the heart of LONDON with 3.2 million inhabitants. Paris and its future metropolis will have 7 million inhabitants

Grand Paris Express map

All the lines of the Grand Paris Express must enter into service in 2030, but the opening of the lines will be progressive from 2024. The line 15 will make a loop between the 3 departments of the small crown, the 16 will have to allow a better insertion of the North East, the 14 and 17 will reach the airports of Roissy and Orly, while the 18 will open up the technological hub of the Saclay plateau, all for a budget of more than 38 billion (which has already been reviewed at the increased several times) all using 65,500 people for 7 years

The real estate showcase of Greater Paris :

Urbanism through major architectural projects, whose investments are sometimes private, are one of the assets of the dynamics of the project: chosen by the mayors, the names of the 51 winners of the international call for projects "INVENTONS LA METROPOLE" have been unveiled last year
Near the new stations of the big Paris express will be on 55 sites of new housing, offices, trade, zones of leisures, green spaces, sports sites as well as cultural places

GRAND PARIS aims to be green

While some denounce concreting and its effects on the environment, others focus on the 8
hectares devoted to urban agriculture in Morangis.
A total of 27,400 inhabitants will be housed in 14,290 new housing units

New districts for new lifestyles
"The projects, which represent 7.2 billion euros of private investment, will benefit hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of Greater Paris The bet of a metropolis with international
influence is won! "

As Michèle Warnet points out in Les Echos,"torn between two opposing forces, the future of 
Greater Paris is yet to be written between dependence on the capital  and its necessary 
freedom to assert its own strengths, attract and create value. This peripheral area, which 
offers a bucolic and urban juxtaposition, could offer the oxygen that is lacking in congested 
Paris, with a density of close to 21,000 inhabitants per km² - the highest of Western cities, far
 ahead of New York and London. Improving mobility and enhancing attractiveness between
 the capital and its suburbs: "Greater Paris will be successful if it works both ways" 
summarizes Olivier Klein, Mayor of Clichy Sous-Bois

Grand Paris a bet on future

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For any information about VALUATION? SELLING &BUYING in PARIS contact me  : +(33) 6 60 69 77 67