Saturday, June 2, 2018

Interview: Brice Payen auteur du livre "ils ont fait L’Ile Saint Louis" nous révèle ses secrets, propos recueillis par Nathalie Molho, Paris

 Nous avons rencontré Brice Payen, l’auteur du livre « Ils ont fait l’Ile Saint-Louis » Edition Dunod, qui nous dévoile les mystères de l’Ile Saint Louis, à travers les personnages illustres (Marie Curie, quai de Béthune, le Baron Alexis de Rédé, rue Saint Louis en l’Ile, Le Vau, Quai d’Anjou, Camille Claudel, Quai de Bourbon, Louis Aragon, Quai de Bourbon, Landru, etc …) et les personnalités contemporaines qui y ont habité ! Une vision unique de cette enclave mythique et symbolique de la richesse de l’histoire de la capitale.
Berthillon photo Marc Verneret
Berthillon photo Marc Verneret

Dans l'avant-propos, M. Patrick Mazery, éditeur de cette véritable « Bible » sur l’Ile Saint-Louis parle d'un témoignage du « murmure du passé » en effet, après une formation en Histoire, vous avez également travaillé dans la Communication, vous précisez d’ailleurs que le mot histoire signifie « enquête » en grec ancien c'est effectivement un travail de journaliste que vous avez mené, mais un journaliste qui a remonté les siècles !

-En effet, après une formation en histoire contemporaine à la Sorbonne, j’ai suivi une formation de journaliste, ce qui est intéressant dans les iles ce sont les influences multiples qui se mélangent, les différentes origines aussi de ceux qui les peuplent qui forment comme un condensé d’humanités. En bref, je suis sensible à l’atmosphère très particulière des iles
Votre démarche de faire découvrir l'histoire d'un quartier à travers l’intime et l’humain qui définit ses habitants tout au long des siècles, depuis 1604, en ce qui concerne l’Ile Saint-Louis, est très originale
-Nous avons déjà travaillé sur les Champs Elysées, avec une trame plus historique « Ils ont fait l’Ile Saint-Louis » se veut plus intime, décodant ses habitants comme des personnalités uniques et précieuses, aussi attachants que les lieux où ils se sont épanouis

L'éditeur Patrick Mazery, fondateur du restaurant : les FOUS DE l’ILE, (depuis 1983) était donc bien placé pour avoir envie de faire découvrir la magie et le charme de cette enclave dont l’histoire remonte à plus de quatre siècles
L’Ile Saint-Louis, fleuron du Marais en terme de prix au mètre carré (on avoisine parfois les 18 000€m² ) peut du même coup risquer de représenter un jour  une « coquille vide » dû à la fréquence des locations saisonnières
-C’est exact, avant nous avions un quartier ouvrier et artiste : une vie de quartier bien réelle, les locations courte durée ont modifié la donne et enlèvent parfois le côté « habité et vivant » de ces quartiers parisiens, heureusement quelques adresses de référence perdurent
LES GARDIL (BOUCHERS) photo Clément Vayssières
LES GARDIL (BOUCHERS) photo Clément Vayssières

Les commerçants, les artisans installés sur l’ile sont aussi importants que l'histoire de l’Ile, par exemple Berthillon, le célèbre glacier (présent depuis 1954 à la même adresse)  qui devient à lui tout seul une destination pour certains touristes ou parisiens se trouvant à proximité, en effet  on ne peut pas résister à l'appel d'une glace Berthillon ! il y a une très belle photo de la famille Bertillon dans les années 70, la recherche iconographique est formidable !Comment réussit-on à glaner autant de photos ou d’œuvres originales ?
-C’est un travail long et minutieux de recherche : la photo de la famille Berthillon vient de leur collection intime, le tableau représentant Henri IV et Marie de Médicis sauvé de la noyade se trouve dans la salle des fêtes de la mairie de Neuilly, encore actuellement !
D'ailleurs l’Ile Saint-Louis est très différente de sa sœur à l’Ile de la cité, où siège le palais de justice, Notre-Dame et l'hôpital Dieu, on apprend donc grâce à votre livre que l'île Saint-Louis a été créée en 1607 au début tout début du XVIIe siècle et que, entre autres, le jeu de paume qui était à l'époque aussi célèbre que le football aujourd'hui en France a été bâti sur l’Ile avant même l'église (Aujourd’hui le jeu de paume est devenu un hôtel)
Grâce à vous, nous apprenons que le Président Pompidou et son épouse ont vécu sur l’Ile mais ont également eu l’idée du Centre Georges POMPIDOU (Musée Beaubourg) dans leur appartement du quai de Béthune
-En effet, ce couple féru et collectionneur d’art moderne et contemporain, habitait l’ile, et nous avons imaginé une conversation avec leur grand ami galeriste : Aimé Maeght, c’est en devisant très vraisemblablement avec lui qu’ils ont eu l’idée de créer ce centre dédié à l’art contemporain, sur cette esplanade de Beaubourg qui était à l’époque un parking ( !)

Le livre se présente ainsi en six rubriques : histoire/ people/ culture/ intérieurs /insolite/ boutique comme vous le dites page 173 L’Ile abrite des gens classiques aussi bien que des « punks à particules »
Parlez-nous de cette ambiance « Village » que vous connaissez bien puisque vous avez vécu sur l’Ile, qui a tendance à se perdre
-Trois boulangeries, un fromager, un boucher, une librairie d'une agence de voyage, une école sont autant de repères, témoins qu’il y a une vraie vie de quartier sur l’Ile

Comment décririez-vous ce que l’Ile Saint-Louis a de si particulier ?
-On est dans la ville mais aussi dans un paysage, comme un tableau : la lumière, la vue sur Seine, comme un refuge, loin du bruit, de la fumée, un hommage aux gens qui y vivent, c’est une ambiance particulière, unique…

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CREDIT PHOTOS :: N°1 Berthillon photo Marc Verneret //N°2 et N° 3 HOTEL LAMBERT Copyright DR //N° 4 LES GARDIL (BOUCHERS) photo Clément Vayssières

Brice Payen séance dédicace
Brice Payen  en Séance dédicace

Nos bonnes adresses sur l’ILE :
Les fous de l’Ile 33 rue Des Deux Ponts
L’Orangerie 28 rue St Louis en l’Ile
Hôtel du Jeu de Paume 54 rue Saint Louis en l’Ile

Interview with BRICE PAYEN, author of the book “ILS ONT FAIT L’ILE SAINT LOUIS"

Does Ile St. Louis still have secrets to reveal?
We met Brice Payen, the author of the book "They made the Ile Saint-Louis" Edition Dunod, which reveals the mysteries of the Ile Saint Louis, through the famous characters (Marie Curie, quai de Bethune, Baron Alexis de Rede, rue Saint Louis on the Island, Le Vau, Quai d'Anjou, Camille Claudel, Quai de Bourbon, Louis Aragon, Quai de Bourbon, Landru, etc ...) and the contemporary personalities who have lived there!
A unique vision of this mythical and symbolic enclave synonymous of the rich history of thecapital.
In the foreword, Mr. Patrick Mazery, publisher of this real "Bible" about Ile Saint-Louis speaks of a testimony of the "murmur of the past" indeed, after a training in history, you also worked in Communication, you also specify that the word history means "investigation" in ancient Greek it is actually a work of journalist that you led, but a journalist who went back centuries

-I am indeed a former Sorbonne student, which is interesting in the islands is the multiple influences which are mixed, the different origins of those who live in them which form as a condensed of humanities. In short, I am sensitive to the very particular atmosphere of the islands

Your approach to discover the history of a neighborhood through the intimate and human that defines its inhabitants throughout the centuries, here since 1604, as regards the Ile Saint-Louis, is very original

-We have already worked on the Champs Elysees thematic, with a more historical frame "They made the Ile Saint-Louis" is more intimate, decoding its inhabitants as unique and precious personalities, as endearing as the places where they were blooming The editor Patrick Mazery, founder of the restaurant: LES FOUS DE L'ILE, (since 1983) was therefore
The Ile Saint-Louis, flagship of the Marais real estate market in terms of price per square meter (we sometimes approach the 18 000 € m²) can at the same time risk representing one day an "empty shell" due to the frequency of seasonal rentals
-It is true, before we had a neighborhood of workers and artists and  a real village life,
now short-term rentals have changed the rules and sometimes remove the "inhabited
and alive" character of these Parisian neighborhoods, thankfully some addresses of
reference persist
The tradesmen, the craftsmen installed on the island are as important as the history of the Island, for example Berthillon, the famous glacier (present since 1954 with the same address) which becomes by itself a destination for some tourists or Parisians nearby,Indeed we cannot resist the call of a Berthillon ice cream! there is a very beautiful picture of the Bertillon family in the 70's, the iconographic research is great! How are we able to glean so many photos or original works?

-This is a long research: the picture of the Berthillon family for instance comes from their private collection, the painting of Henri IV and Marie de Medicis saved from drowning is in the City Hall of Neuilly, till now !
Moreover, Ile Saint-Louis is very different from its sister   Ile de la Cité, where the courthouse,Notre-Dame and the  hospital Dieu are located, so we learn from your book that the island Saint-Louis was created in 1607 at the very beginning of the 17th century and that, among other things, the game of palm that was at the time as famous as football today in France was built on the island before the church (Today the Jeu de Paume has become a hotel)
We also learn that President Pompidou and his wife lived on the Island but also had the idea of ​​the Center Georges POMPIDOU (Beaubourg Museum) in their apartment quai de Béthune

-Actually, this passionate couple and collector of modern and contemporary art, lived on the island, and we imagined a conversation with their great friend gallerist: Aimé Maeght, it is by very likely speaking with him that they had the idea of ​​creating this center dedicated to contemporary art, on this esplanade of Beaubourg which was at the time a parking (!)
The book is presented in six sections: history / people / culture / interiors / unusual / shop as you say page 173 The island is home to classic people as well as "punks with particles"
Tell us about this "Village" atmosphere that you know well since you lived on the Island, which tends to get lost
-Three bakeries, a cheese maker, a butcher, a bookstore of a travel agency, a school are all landmarks, witnesses that there is a real life of neighborhood on the Island

How would you describe what Ile Saint-Louis is so special about?
-It is in the city but also in a landscape, like a painting: the light, the view of the Seine, like a refuge, far from the noise, the smoke, a tribute to the people who live there, it is a special atmosphere , unique ...


CREDITS PHOTOS: N°1 Berthillon photo Marc Verneret
N°2 et N° 3 HOTEL LAMBERT Copyright DR
N° 4 LES GARDIL (BOUCHERS) photo Clément Vayssières

Our best addresses  :
Les fous de l’Ile 33 rue Des Deux Ponts
L’Orangerie 28 rue St Louis en l’Ile
Hôtel du Jeu de Paume 54 rue Saint Louis en l’Ile


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

How to grow your garden in Paris? By Nathalie Molho, real estate expert, Paris France

Rose under the rain
Rose under the rain 

As bizarre as this question may seem, it turns out that multiple possibilities exist for garden enthusiasts (or vegetable garden), with a little frenzy at the moment on this type of plantations, especially if we judge by the number of companies offering such activities as: BNP and its corporate gardens (CORPORATE GARDENS), intended to improve the well-being of its employees, especially those who can enjoy the few meters of nature at heart old mills of Pantin,( near PARIS) and who then share a homemade tapenade

Perched on the rooftops of BHV Marais, the farm organized by "Sous les fraises Paris", with a breathtaking view of the Eiffel Tower covers more than 1 400 m² of agricultural area. More
than 22,000 plants grow in vertical permaculture: edible flowers, strawberries, raspberries,
kiwi, thyme, rosemary, mint, hops ... the terrace is thus the largest vertical kitchen garden on a roof in Europe. An interesting way to revive with grace the past market vegetable garden settled in le Marais, too long forgotten.Under Strawberries® is a pioneering company for organic production of edible plants in urban areas.
Serving gastronomy, they produce - I quote: closer to the places of consumption to ensure
freshness, nutritional value and taste intact. Serving people and the environment, they
participate in the greening of cities and the recreation of a rich and productive environment
 According to Yohan Hubert co-founder with Laure-Line Jacquier of "Under strawberries" I
quote "In ten years, 20% of Parisian roofs will be covered with urban plantations.
And in twenty years, this proportion will increase to 60 or 70%. Many private actors are
positioning themselves on these topics »

Also in NY, this kind of phenomenon explodes with for example the BROOKLYN GRANGE ROOFTOP FARMS, which builds "green" spaces and supports a responsible, local and ecological way of life through food, education and clean events. They believe that social enterprise is a powerful driver for positive change, and that businesses can interact with their community.Brooklyn Grange farms rooftops, builds green spaces, and promotes sustainable living and local ecology through food, education, and events. We believe that social enterprise is a powerful driver of positive change, and that businesses should be a nourishing part of their community. 

Farm-to-table takes on a whole new meaning when you’re being served plates composed of vegetables growing mere feet from where you sit. With herb-scented breezes and a breathtaking view of the City, the Grange’s private rooftop venue provides a unique and memorable setting for an al fresco brunch, lunch or dinner. Prepared by top NYC chefs, the feasts served at their farms are always  - I quote -fresh, flavorful and unforgettable.

In Chicago this trend also exists: it is the food autonomy in the city that is looming, through
this new mantra: "URBAN AGRICULTURE"

A new lifestyle is emerging for those city-lovers who love nature and who want to bring the
countryside to their city and their lives!

For the lucky ones who can garden their own green spaces, there are COACHES in
GARDENING, like MY COACH, which will teach you the basics of gardening by moving about at your place, and will allow you to choose the most suitable formula for your needs

Faced with this craze, the City of Paris offers everyone the opportunity to give free rein to his passion by visiting the GARDENS SHARED

example below for the 4th arrondissement :

  • Clos des Blancs-Manteaux Garden / 4th (MV) 21 rue des Blancs-Manteaux Association "Gardeners of the 4th"
• Shared garden Rosiers Joseph-Migneret / 4th (MV) Garden of Rosiers Joseph-Migneret, 10 rue des Rosiers & 35-37 rue des Francs-Bourgeois Association "The Gardeners of the 4th"  

 Important retailers are surfing this "green" market as NATURE AND DISCOVERY French leader in the green field, that offers all the tools necessary for the exercise of this hobby but also activities at the gates of PARIS, such as an experience that will allow you to discover an unsuspected nature hidden in the capital, like wild plants over the small belt of the 15th arrondissement, I quote.

Nettle, yarrow, purple viperine and many other plants will be revealed through touch, smell and even taste. Botanical notions delivered by Edwige, a trained landscape gardener, will complete this fun walk, delighted to share his passions and his knowledge, mixing both History and Garden Art as a cultural and sensory discovery to go back in time.

The 'Shazam' of Plants
Finally, since digital technology is a new model concerning all fields of our lives, a new
application for all plant enthusiasts, will allow you to identify each plants : PLANTSNAP
This new american app helps users easily identify plants, flowers and trees.
All you have to do is take a photo of the plant and within seconds PlantSnap will identify what you’re looking at.

 For those who have neither the time nor the desire to move, MON PETIT COIN VERT(my small green corner ) innovates by adapting the concept of BOX delivered at home allowing everyone to create a small vegetable garden at home

"My Little Green Corner is a complete box to launch your first vegetable garden. You'll find
organic and reproducible seeds, organic potting soil, biodegradable buckets, geotextile pots
and a growing guide. "

Another innovation this time from San Francisco, (read in: 100 innovations that will change
your life, DUNOD Editions) the association "GUERILLA GRAFTERS" has given itself as of
2010 the mission of transforming municipal trees into fruit distributors!
By transforming public trees into productive fruit trees, these committed and 100% volunteer
city dwellers will transform the public space into a more convivial place dedicated to sharing
pleasure with beauty.
Armed with pincers and twines practicing the art of grafting: they add fruit branches to
municipal trees, turning them into productive fruit trees, to spread the movement they deliver
all the secrets of a successful transplant on their web page

Cueillette urbaine ( urban picking)  aims to use the top of the buildings of the big cities and to raise its inhabitants there who will be able to pick their fruits and vegetables themselves.
Most of the Parisian roofs are not used, which represents a usable area of ​​460 ha. The use
of greenhouses installed on the roofs of the buildings will allow a production of vegetables all the year and will ensure the profitability of the project

Picking Urban will provide Parisians a green setting where they will be able to pick their fruits and vegetables while spending a relaxing moment.
Picking Urban is a mission which through ecological stake, by the greening of the urban
environment, by the suppression of the transport of the products, by a pesticide-free crop,
is more respectful of the environment and the earth.
Urban picking is also a return to values ​​such as taste. Fruits and vegetables are no longer
selected according to a criterion of resistance to transport but above all for their nutritional
and taste qualities.
Urban picking is also positioned in the creation of social link. More than a simple urban farm
or catering, Picking Urban participates in the life of your company, community, your
neighborhood through awareness workshops, discovery, simple pleasure, meeting and

Resulting from a continuous collaborative research between agronomists, chefs, architects, urban planners and city dwellers, it implements biotechnologies adapted to the built environment, engaged in the management of water, waste and food for the cities.

At your tools, let’s the party begin !

Survey conducted by searchmyhomeinparis

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Friday, April 6, 2018

Design a universal code ? By Nathalie Molho (part 2) expert in real estate Paris France

About design influence : design : a universal code ?

At the moment when the museum of Architecture  honors ALVAR AALTO with an exhibition showing  his contribution in the history of design, let's discover the work of the stars of design through some universally recognized iconic objects, as well as the ambassadors of design or new emerging names and which will be the classic signatures of tomorrow
The museum  presents a large retrospective of the Vitra Design Museum and the Alvar Aalto Museum, (Finland). 
It brings together an exceptional selection of its main architectural achievements and its iconic design pieces. Thirty years after the last major French retrospective, this exhibition realized in partnership with the Alvar Aalto Foundation traces, through nearly 150 works (models, drawings, historical and contemporary photographs) largely presented for the first time in France,the milestones fifty years of activity of the architect since the first Finnish projects of the 1920s to the international development of the agency. While the sanatorium of Paimio (1929-1933), the villa Mairea (1938-1939) and the Finnish pavilion of the New York World's Fair (1939) put it in the forefront of the modern architectural scene, Alvar Aalto profoundly original way reconciling functionalist principles and humanistic aspirations.
Through examples of furniture, lighting and historical glasswork, his research restores
a thought and a work that places man and his perceptions at the heart of the creative

Gae AULENTI and the PIPISTRELLO lamp : a global success !

A cult object of design, the Pipistrello lamp was created by Gae Aulenti in 1965.
This lamp with its lampshades resembles a bat, which means pipistrello in Italian. 
It is a table or floor lamp with diffuse light. A telescopic stainless steel system adjusts
 its height (66-86 cm). The diffuser is in white opal methacrylate and the base in white 
or dark brown lacquered metal. Mythical and exhibited in major museums around the world, 
Pipistrello is one of those objects that constitute our universal heritage.
Original model from 1965, made in Italy by the Martinelli Luce factory.
On sale in SILVERA stores 

At Silvera, design is a lifestyle, with its cross-cultural designer approach to home interiors, this multi-labels selection is one of the best in Paris. SILVERA showrooms showcases every aspect of stylish home interiors: sofas, armchairs, dining chairs, stools, tables, desks, lighting, dressing rooms, kitchens, outdoor furniture and kids furniture… they can equip and dress every room of your house or office down to the smallest detail. their enormous collection of hundreds of French and international brands and designers make SILVERA the go-to destination for all lovers of fine design.

To discover urgently the subtle and almost museum selection of the new Gallery A1043 G
 RUE DE MONTMORENCY, opened in September 2016, by the artist Didier Jean Anicet 
Courbot and the architect Stéphanie Courbot

The Tulip chair designed by Saarinen, benches by Bertoia and Akari lamps by Noguchi are icons created respectively by an architect and two sculptors. A1043 being founded by an artist and a landscape architect, they are particularly intrigued by these creators who test the boundaries of their conventional practices. If previously mentioned creators developed their projects with manufacturers, others, by choice or lack of opportunity, abandoned their productions at the prototype phase or small-scale production. Constantin Brancusi, Alexander Calder, Sonia Delaunay, Sophie Tauber Arp, Donald Judd, Franz West and Jorge Pardo, to mention the most famous, are among the artists who, at one point in their careers, for artistic, practical or simply financial reasons, designed utilitarian objects. We are, of course, familiar with seats designed by Judd and West but less so, for example, with lamps by Brancusi, Calder and Sonia Delaunay.
At a time when some designs borrow manufacturing, production and exhibition procedures from contemporary art, A1043 presents a selection of objects in the Borders exhibition by creators who do not usually fall within the scope of design or toying with its limits. They are artists, graphic designers or even gallery owners. These objects are at the boundary of design, decorative arts and contemporary art. They share a diverse language that prevents them from belonging to a single discipline and at the same time perhaps open up perspectives for a new category of objects. Planted in the ground, Tony Cragg’s garden tools become sculptures. Lawrence Wiener’s office waste bin becomes a sculpture positioned in the white and sterile gallery environment. Borders is an opportunity to discover and rediscover objects that disappeared prematurely or were insufficiently displayed.
Anne Chistine, Pierre,( MARAIS DECORATION) has also chosen the talent of DIMORE STUDIO:

Emiliano Salci and Britt Moran are formed as part of family-friendly businesses, as they visit a joint project in Shangai mark the beginning of a collaboration involving DIMORE STUDIO. With their unique dual branding, their visual identity provides simple and sophisticated interior designs in a subtle cocktail that offers a poetic vision and a personal style

How not to fall in love with the glamorous and structured world of INDIA MAHDAVI ?

India Mahdavi is the reigning queen of color. “It’s the best way to bring sunshine into a space,” says the Paris-based interior designer. “Sunshine is happiness, and my work is about happiness.” Her daring clients clamor for more. “They aren’t looking for mainstream,” Mahdavi explains.
Mahdavi attributes her love of color to her Irano-Egyptian heritage and cosmopolitan childhood. Born in Tehran, she was raised in America, Germany, and France. During college her studies kept her moving, from Paris’s École des Beaux-Arts to New York’s School of Visual Arts and Parsons, before she settled in the French capital to work as artistic director for Christian Liaigre. “Location is the starting point for all my projects,” she says. “Each fits one location, one client. So they are all like couture pieces.”
After seven years with Liaigre, she set out on her own in 1999 and now oversees a studio, showroom, and shop—all within a few doors of one another on the rue Las Cases.
Awarded France’s Officier des Arts et des Lettres last year, Mahdavi is still slightly under the radar Stateside, though her spirited line of furnishings can be found at the New York-based Ralph Pucci International. But she predicts her bold aesthetic sense is where the zeitgeist is headed. “After decades of beige and white, Europeans are finally bringing color back into their living rooms,” Mahdavi says. “I think America is probably ready, too.”

Jaime Hayon has been a guest speaker at the Innovation by Design Conference. The event was organized by the Singapore Design Week 2016.  

Jaime Hayon was named Best Interior Designer  by the prestigious magazine Fuera de SerieThe ceremony took place in Santa Coloma’s Palace in Madrid, where nine luminaries from different fields were also awarded. The “People of the Year Award” recognises Hayon as a leading figure in Interior Design.

Jaime Hayon has been selected as one of the most 200 important influencers in the design industry according to Wallpaper Magazine‘s Power List.


The design is appearing to be now almost a destination, you can discover thank’s to PARIS DESIGN GUIDE the best addresses to discover and really “live “design
For instance this guide offers you an itinerary in le Marais for a romantic design week end in Paris

Finally,  design has its "maker addicts", with a new platform that allows Internet users to order patterns of furniture design to be made by "local" artisans


Let’s discover a new platform where makers furniture designed for inspiring workplaces changing the way furniture is made by connecting customers to local makers
“When designing the Opendesk system, we had two goals. We wanted anyone, anywhere in the world, to be able to download designs for local making and we wanted to provide a viable model for designers to benefit when their designs are sold via the Opendesk network.”

 Opendesk is a global platform for local making. We host digital furniture designs that can be made anywhere in the world through a global network of local makers.

By connecting customers to a library of designs, and a host of nearby craftsmen, we’re ensuring furniture is made on-demand - locally, sustainably and affordably.
Unlike the traditional industry, which tends to squeeze designers and makers, our business model ensures that everyone in the supply chain is supported and rewarded fairly.
  • Designers get a global distribution channel
  • Makers get profitable jobs and new customers
  • You get designer products without the designer price tag, a more social, eco-friendly alternative to mass-production and an affordable way to buy custom made products.
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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Why join the services of a flat hunter for your parisian real estate project By Nathalie Molho, expert in real estate Paris France

A new profession ?

The profession of  Real Estate Hunters was born at the dawn of the 21st century and revolutionized the real estate profession.
“Becoming a true partner, whose job is complementary to Real estate agencies, the flat hunter brings to acquirers, most of the times overwhelmed by their activities, listening, advice and availability required for research and purchase of real estate.” I quote the FFCI (French Federation of Real Estate Hunters)

Mostly for a will of efficiency and time savings, (too often the visits are discouraging, and do not match the desired apartment.)  many customers prefer to engage themselves with an apartment hunter who will perfectly understand their criteria and will only offer properties accordingly

As a flat hunter myself, I will be happy to receive you at the Agency, an agency in the heart of Paris in the Marais (Agence Sainte Catherine is accessible by Metro line 1 or 8, BUS 69/96/29) by appointment for a personalized study

I make you sign a search mandate * and in return I commit myself  to offer you 3 apartments to visit 

Will you rather be looking for a top floor, as this picture below showing a studio under the roof ?

Or a  ground floor?

This document will precise that your flat hunter will be in charge :
• To look for a property  whose designation is made from a specification list established according to your criteria : location, neighborhood, area, budget, style of the property, environment, work to consider ...;
• The duration of the mission; usually three months, likely to be renewed;
• To send regular reports of pre-visited properties accompanied by digital photos (subject to the agreement of the owner of the property visited); the frequency and content of these pre-visits are defined in the specifications;
We provide you technical advice during the visits;
We work in the absolute confidentiality of all information that you communicate to us;
The amount of our fees (VAT, excluding notary fees); payable upon signature of the deed of sale by the notary.
I prospect on the entire market (direct owner, real estate agency, wealth manager, notary, developer, developer, merchant and property manager)
Fees are due only on the day of the sale The price will never be higher than 8%. (fees between 4 and 8% INCLUDED IN THE PRICE OF PRESENTATION OF THE APARTMENT)

 I accompany you to the notary at the signing of a sale agreement ( draft reservation contract )and 2 or 3 months later to the authentic deed
I inform you about the precautions to take before buying a property:
- Carrez law ( what does it means)
- If attics verifications that they have been bought and belong to the lot concerned
- If a velux  exists : verifications they have been declared in General Assembly in the co-ownership and have received the approval of the town hall
- Double glazing if they are not already installed I propose to make a quote
- Same for electricity
- I could introduce you to decorators and interior designers if needed

- If you invest I propose a rental quote and puts you in contact with the person who will take care of you for rental management
- If you need a broker , you will be in contact within 24 hours
- Finally I inform you if necessary the general procedure for the first purchase, or I specify the obligations of the seller under the ALUR law

With more than 40 recent sales, our team welcomes you and will help and advice you
If you need to ask a question to the Building Trustee of the property you are about to acquire, we assist you.
If you need to make a partial change of destination in your apartment, we will indicate the steps to take
If you want to contact the architect of the building to reassure you on a point that worries you, we put you in touch with him
Non exhaustive list (!)

Do not hesitate to contact us for any request at 06 60 69 77 67
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